VIVIDHA : विविधा 2020 : 20 जून-20 जुलाई 2020 : 20 June - 20 July 2020 on Facebook Page of Kala Mandali

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति /12 जून 2020
कला मंडली दिल्ली की एक सक्रिय संस्था है जो प्रदर्श कलाओं में नियमित रूप से नए रचनात्मक प्रयोग को मंच पर प्रस्तुत करती है और देश की विविध सांस्कृतिक अभिव्यक्तियों के समारोह “विविधा” का आयोजन करती है जिसमें कई राज्यों के कलाकार और मंडलियां शामिल होती हैं । 
भारत सरकार के संस्कृति मंत्रालय के सहयोग से चलने वाले कला मंडली के कार्यक्रम को वर्तमान कोविड-19 की महामारी के कारण किसी हॉल में ना कर पाने की स्थिति में लोकप्रिय सोशल प्लेटफॉर्म फेसबुक पर करने निर्णय लिया गया।  भारत की विविध सांस्कृतिक अभिव्यक्तियों का उत्सव “विविधा” को 20 जून से 20 जुलाई, 2020 ( Monday 
 Friday : 7 PM) / Saturday & Sunday ; 4 PM & 5.30 PM. ) तक कला मंडली के  फेसबुक पेज पर लाइव आयोजित किया जा रहा है. के लिंक के ज़रिये इस कार्यक्रम को देखा जा सकता है। इसमें कनाडा, नीदरलैंड, टर्की और इटली के कलाकार भाग ले रहे हैं। 
कला मंडली विश्वास करती है कि कलाएं मनुष्य की पशुता को बड़े जतन से लील जाती हैं और विविधता को संरक्षित कर, पोषित कर समाजोपयोगी उत्सव का, सौंदर्य का प्रतिमान स्थापित करती हैं। कलाएं हताशा, निराशा में आनंद के नए सोतों को उदघाटित कर फिर से उल्लास का मुहाना खोलती हैं।  COVID 19 के इस काल में कलाएं ही फिर से जीवन को नए अंदाज में जीने लायक बनाएंगी। 

कला मंडली, दिल्ली निरन्तर समय की चुनौतियों के बरक्स सृजन और सांस्कृतिक आयोजन के लिये नई पहल करती है। विशिष्ट आयोजन  “VIVIDHA : विविधा" को विश्व संगीत व योग दिवस की पूर्व संध्या पर 20 जून 2020 को शाम 5.30 बजे उदघाटित किया गया जिसमें अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त कलाकार सितारवादक उमाशंकर ने सितारवादन के जरिये “योगानंद संगीत” को प्रस्तुत किया।  इस कार्यक्रम में आफ़ताब-ए- ग़ज़ल के नाम से मशहूर शशांक शेखर ने खूबसूरत ग़ज़लों को पेश किया तो बॉलीवुड अभिनेता सुब्रत दत्ता ने अपनी कला यात्रा के रूमानी और रोमांचक संस्मरण के साथ अभिनय कला की बारीकियां भी समझाई।   नटवरी कथिक लोकनृत्य कलाकार, अमेठी के पंडित त्रिपुरारी महाराज ने सुल्तानपुर, उ.प्र. से मोहक नृत्य का जलवा बिखेरा तो राज्यसभा टेलीविजन के इरफ़ान ने संस्कृतिकर्म और लोकतांत्रिक सरोकार पर गंभीर चर्चा की।  इटली के बांसुरी वादक सिमोन मटेलीओ, शहनाई वादक योगेश कुमार शंकर, किन्नर विपुल जगदम्बा एवं संजना, शास्त्रीय गायक रकेश कुमार पाठक, आशिक कुमार, दिल्ली रामलीला कलाकार प्रवेश कुमार, उज्जैन के ताल वाद्य के माहिर कलाकार इंदर सिंह बैस और गगन सिंह बैस भी अपन्स कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत कर चुके हैं। मंजरी श्रीवास्तव ने प्रदर्श क्लबमें स्त्री पर अपनी बात रखी और अपनी स्त्री विषयक कविताओं का पाठ भी किया। ज़फ़र संजरी ने, जो पारसी रंगमंच के परिवार में जन्मे, उसी परिवेश में पले बढ़े, उन्होंने अपनी छात्रों के साथ पारसी रंगमंच की पाठशाला के विविध पहलुओं पर अपनी सांगीतिक प्रस्तुति दी। कनाडा निवासी कथक नृत्यांगना विदुषी दीप्ति गुप्ता ने देश से बाहर कथक नृत्य की संभावनाओं पर अपने अनुभवों के साथ कथक में परंपरा से अलग हटकर किये गए अपने अभ्यास और प्रयोगों की भी रोचक प्रस्तुति दी। मेरठ के कलाकार मुकेश भारती ने कबीर के लोकप्रिय भजनों को प्रस्तुत किया। 
अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त कश्मीर के कलाकार धनंजय कौल ने पटियाला घराने की शानदार गायकी के साथ कई बेहतरीन ग़ज़लों को प्रस्तुत किया। मालवी क्षेत्र में प्रचलित कबीर के भजनों को इंदौर के मुकेश व दिलीप चौहान एवं सुंदर लाल मालवीय ने सुरीले अंदाज़ में प्रस्तुत किया। वृंदावन के डॉ उमेश शर्मा की मंडली ने नित्य रास की प्रस्तुति की। 7 जुलाई को दिल्ली के रामलीला के कलाकारों ने केवट प्रसंग को दिखाया तथा  मुम्बई के अंजनी कुमार ने लोकगीतों के अपने कलात्मक सफ़र में पड़े प्रभाव पर एक सरस प्रस्तुति की। 8 जुलाई को पटना की सक्रिय संस्था के “प्रांगण” के संस्थापक अभय सिन्हा ने अपने परिवार और संस्था के सदस्यों के साथ उपस्थित होकर पटना रंगमंच की सुनहरी स्मृतियों को संगीतमय ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया। 9 जुलाई को कटिहार, बिहार से कविरत्न भगवान प्रलय ने अंगिका भाषा की अपनी लोकप्रिय कविताओं को गा गा कर प्रस्तुत किया। 10 जुलाई को खानदानी नक्कारानवीस जमील खान अपने शिष्यों के साथ नक्कारा वाद्य के इतिहास चलन और नवाचार के बारे में वादन के साथ बताया तो राजीव रंजन दास ने मुम्बई से लाइव होकर अपने रंगमंच और सिनेमा के सफ़र के बारे में बताया। 11 जुलाई को झारखंड के एक गांव से जीतराय हांसदा ने अपने गुरु दुर्गा मुर्मू के साथ लाइव होकर गाते बजाते हुए आदिवासी समाज-संस्कृति के प्रश्नों, समस्याओं और संभावनाओं के बारे में बात करते हुए सरकार के नकारात्मक रवैये के बारे में भी ध्यान दिलाया और आदिवासी संस्कृति विशेष के विकास के लिए संस्थान, रंगमंडल, संस्कृति संकुल बनाने की ज़रूरत है। इसी दिन दूसरे सत्र में पटना से हरी शंकर ने हीरा डोम की रचना “ एक अछूत की शिकायत” के साथ-साथ महेंद्र मिश्र की भोजपुरी रचनाओं का उम्दा गायन प्रस्तुत किया। 
12 जुलाई को नीथेरलैंड्स के कलाकार सत्यकाम मोक्षमसिंग ने पहले सत्र में  वायलिन वादन प्रस्तुत किया फिर दूसरे सत्र में यूसुफ़ ख़ान निज़ामी ने अपने साथी कलाकारों के साथ पारंपरिक क़वाली को प्रस्तुत किया तो शाम तीसरे सत्र में योगेश पांडेय ने रोचक कथा को प्रस्तुत किया। 

आगे के कार्यक्रमों में बॉलीवुड के कलाकार स्वानंद किरकिरे, पटना के रंजन सिंह राजन, संगीत नाटक अकादेमी, दिल्ली के उपसचिव व वरिष्ठ रंगकर्मी सुमन कुमार, छऊ नृत्य में सीसीआरटी के कनिष्ठ स्कॉलर त्रियन प्रतिबिंब, कथक में कनिष्ठ फेलो प्रतिभा सिंह तथा निर्गुण गायक पद्मश्री श्री प्रह्लाद सिंह टिपानिया महवपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व शामिल होंगे। लखनऊ घराने के कथक गुरु पं जयकिशन महाराज तथा दीप्ति गुप्ता भी अपनी बात रखने इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल होंगे। 
कला मंडली के अध्यक्ष डॉ. स्मिता पराशर तथा सचिव का सुधी दर्शकों, कला रसिकों से विशेष निवेदन है कि वे अपने घरों में स्वस्थ, सानंद राहें और इस आयोजन को प्रसारित करने की कृपा करें जिससे लोग अधिक संख्या में जुडें, सजीव कला आस्वादन करें और कलाकारों के लिए यथासंभव आर्थिक मदद भी करें जिसे ज़रूरतमंद कलाकारों को पहुंचाया जा सके । 
प्रतिभा सिंह, सचिव
डॉ. स्मिता पराशर, अध्यक्ष, कला मंडली, दिल्ली

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति /02 जून 2020
कला मंडली दिल्ली की एक सक्रिय संस्था है जो प्रदर्श कलाओं में नियमित रूप से नए रचनात्मक प्रयोग को मंच पर प्रस्तुत करती है और देश की विविध सांस्कृतिक अभिव्यक्तियों के समारोह “विविधा” का आयोजन करती है जिसमें कई राज्यों के कलाकार और मंडलियां शामिल होती हैं । 
भारत सरकार के संस्कृति मंत्रालय के सहयोग से चलने वाले कला मंडली के कार्यक्रम को वर्तमान कोविड-19 की महामारी के कारण किसी हॉल में ना कर पाने की स्थिति में लोकप्रिय सोशल प्लेटफॉर्म फेसबुक पर करने निर्णय लिया गया।  भारत की विविध सांस्कृतिक अभिव्यक्तियों का उत्सव “विविधा” को 20 जून से 20 जुलाई, 2020 ( Monday 
 Friday : 7 PM) / Saturday & Sunday ; 4 PM & 5.30 PM. ) तक कला मंडली के  फेसबुक पेज पर लाइव आयोजित किया जा रहा है. के लिंक के ज़रिये इस कार्यक्रम को देखा जा सकता है। इसमें कनाडा, नीदरलैंड, टर्की और इटली के कलाकार भाग ले रहे हैं। 
कला मंडली विश्वास करती है कि कलाएं मनुष्य की पशुता को बड़े जतन से लील जाती हैं और विविधता को संरक्षित कर, पोषित कर समाजोपयोगी उत्सव का, सौंदर्य का प्रतिमान स्थापित करती हैं। कलाएं हताशा, निराशा में आनंद के नए सोतों को उदघाटित कर फिर से उल्लास का मुहाना खोलती हैं।  COVID 19 के इस काल में कलाएं ही फिर से जीवन को नए अंदाज में जीने लायक बनाएंगी। 

कला मंडली, दिल्ली निरन्तर समय की चुनौतियों के बरक्स सृजन और सांस्कृतिक आयोजन के लिये नई पहल करती है। विशिष्ट आयोजन  “VIVIDHA : विविधा" को विश्व संगीत व योग दिवस की पूर्व संध्या पर 20 जून 2020 को शाम 5.30 बजे उदघाटित किया गया जिसमें अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त कलाकार सितारवादक उमाशंकर ने सितारवादन के जरिये “योगानंद संगीत” को प्रस्तुत किया।  इस कार्यक्रम में आफ़ताब-ए- ग़ज़ल के नाम से मशहूर शशांक शेखर ने खूबसूरत ग़ज़लों को पेश किया तो बॉलीवुड अभिनेता सुब्रत दत्ता ने अपनी कला यात्रा के रूमानी और रोमांचक संस्मरण के साथ अभिनय कला की बारीकियां भी समझाई।   नटवरी कथिक लोकनृत्य कलाकार, अमेठी के पंडित त्रिपुरारी महाराज ने सुल्तानपुर, उ.प्र. से मोहक नृत्य का जलवा बिखेरा तो राज्यसभा टेलीविजन के इरफ़ान ने संस्कृतिकर्म और लोकतांत्रिक सरोकार पर गंभीर चर्चा की।  इटली के बांसुरी वादक सिमोन मटेलीओ, शहनाई वादक योगेश कुमार शंकर, किन्नर विपुल जगदम्बा एवं संजना, शास्त्रीय गायक रकेश कुमार पाठक, आशिक कुमार, दिल्ली रामलीला कलाकार प्रवेश कुमार, उज्जैन के ताल वाद्य के माहिर कलाकार इंदर सिंह बैस और गगन सिंह बैस भी अपन्स कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत कर चुके हैं। मंजरी श्रीवास्तव ने प्रदर्श क्लबमें स्त्री पर अपनी बात रखी और अपनी स्त्री विषयक कविताओं का केस पाठ भी किया। 
आगे के कार्यक्रमों में बॉलीवुड के कलाकार स्वानंद किरकिरे, रंजन सिंह राजन, राजीव रंजन दास, अंजनी कुमार, नौटंकी के सम्मानित कलाकार पंडित राम दयाल शर्मा जी, संगीत नाटक अकादेमी, दिल्ली के उपसचिव व वरिष्ठ रंगकर्मी सुमन कुमार, छऊ नृत्य में सीसीआरटी के कनिष्ठ स्कॉलर त्रियन प्रतिबिंब, कथक में कनिष्ठ फेलो प्रतिभा सिंह तथा निर्गुण गायक पद्मश्री श्री प्रह्लाद सिंह टिपानिया महवपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व शामिल होंगे। लखनऊ घराने के कथक गुरु पं जयकिशन महाराज तथा दीप्ति गुप्ता भी अपनी बात रखने इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल होंगे। 
कला मंडली के अध्यक्ष डॉ. स्मिता पराशर तथा सचिव का सुधी दर्शकों, कला रसिकों से विशेष निवेदन है कि वे अपने घरों में स्वस्थ, सानंद राहें और इस आयोजन को प्रसारित करने की कृपा करें जिससे लोग अधिक संख्या में जुडें, सजीव कला आस्वादन करें और कलाकारों के लिए यथासंभव आर्थिक मदद भी करें जिसे ज़रूरतमंद कलाकारों को पहुंचाया जा सके । 
प्रतिभा सिंह, सचिव
डॉ. स्मिता पराशर, अध्यक्ष, कला मंडली, दिल्ली

           रंगमंडल, कला मंडली
    द्वारा 31 दिवसीय आयोजन " विविधा" : 
            (भारत की विविध सांस्कृतिक का उत्सव है)
 जो 20 जून से 20 जुलाई, 2020 
( Monday - Friday : 7 PM) / Saturday & Sunday ; 4 PM & 5.30 PM. ) FB पर LIVE आयोजित हो रहा है 
कलाएं मनुष्य की पशुता रूपी पूंछ को बड़े जतन से लील जाती हैं
कलाएं विविधता को उत्सव का, सौंदर्य का प्रतिमान बनाती हैं
कलाएं हताशा, निराशा में 
आनंद के नए सोतों को उदघाटित कर 
फिर से उल्लास का मुहाना खोलती हैं।
 COVID 19 के काल में कलाएं ही 
फिर से जीवन को नए अंदाज में जीने लायक बनाएंगी। 
कला मंडली, दिल्ली के कलाकारों की ऐसी संस्था है 
जो निरन्तर समय की चुनौतियों के बरक्स 
सृजन और आयोजन के लिये नई पहल करती है। 
" VIVIDHA : विविधा" को 
विश्व संगीत व योग दिवस की पूर्व संध्या पर
 20 जून 2020 को शाम 5.30 बजे उदघाटित किया जा 
 रहा है । रोज़ाना आप इस आयोजन का आनंद लें ।  

Kala Mandali, an Art Ensemble is a Delhi based organization working in the field of performing art to explore new idioms of performance. It innovates contemporary experience, enriched with the diverse cultural expressions of Humanity. Trained and experienced professionals from the field of dance, drama, music and literature practice to produce a live experience for the spectators. Kala Mandali also works with socially, economically and physically challenged beings to express their need, desire and possibilities in the field of performing arts. 
Kala Mandali regularly trains young artists to build their sense of being as a world citizen and express their ideas of a better world with the means os self and the tools of performing arts.Kala Mandali also works and performs for children, the transgender communities, and explores community based cultural activities. 
Is Shakl Se Guzri Ghalib (Based on the life and works of Ghalib, Play by Sadique), Phuhaar(Comedy  Based on a Hariprakash Rathi), Kharu Ka Khara Qissa (Based on Bhuvneshwar story Bhediye), Ram Ki Shakti Pooja (Based on Nirala’s poetry), Vidyapati Vasant (Based on the spring based Maithili poems of Vidyapati), Ritusamhar (Based on Kalidasa’s work), Sangeet Shakuntala (Kalidas), Khushiyan aur Afsaane (Performed by and Based on the narratives of transgenders of Delhi), Nugra Ka Tamasa (A unique narrative performance without script), Benaras Ki Subah Se Awadh Ki Sham Tak (The diverse cultural expressions of Varanas and Awadh from folk and classical which enriched Kathak), Saudagar (Brecht’s Exception and the Rule), Khabsoorat Bahu (Nag Bodas) and Gabarghichor (Bhikhari Thakur) are major stage productions of Kala Mandali. 

कला मंडली
कला मंडली, दिल्ली में रहने वाले देश भर के प्रदर्शनकारी कला विधाओं से जुड़े कलाकारों का समूह है जो प्रदर्शनकारी कलाओं में नए प्रयोग के लिए समर्पित है। अपने कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से कला मंडली देश की अमूर्त सांस्कृतिक विरासत में अन्वेषण और प्रयोग कर कलात्मक अनुभव नए रूप और संवाद आस्वादन के लिए प्रस्तुत करती है जिसमें मानवता का स्वर प्रमुखता से प्रतिध्वनित होता है।
कला मंडली समाज के वंचित समुदायों, विविध चुनोतियों को सामना करने वाले व्यक्तियों और समुदायों को भी समकालीन अभिव्यक्ति के लिए कला के विविध आयामों और उपकरणों से जोड़ती है। युवाओं, बच्चों के लिए प्रशिक्षण के कर्यक्रम चलती है।
राम की शक्ति पूजा, बनारस की सुबह से अवध की शाम तक, ऋतुसंहार, रामेश्वरचरित, भेड़िये, खारू का खरा किस्सा,  नुगरा का तमसा, विद्यापति बसंत, गांधी और राम, टुअर-टापर, गबरघिचोर, दस दिन का अनशन, सूरज का सातवां घोड़ा आदि कला मंडली की लोकप्रिय प्रस्तुतियाँ हैं। किन्नर समुदाय के अनुभवों और अभिनेताओं से रचित प्रस्तुति "खुशियां और अफ़साने" को दिल्ली  पटना एवं में सफ़लता से मंचित किया गया।
अगरतला, रायगढ़, कोलकता, चंडीगढ़, दामोह, भोपाल, हिसार, देहरादून सहित कई शहरों में कला मंडली ने अपने नाटकों के प्रदर्शन किए है। राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विद्यालय, संगीत नाटक अकादेमी, Dekhu साहित्य कला परिषद, नई दिल्ली के सहयोग से कला मंडली ने प्रदर्शन व नाट्य प्रशिक्षण के कई कार्यक्रम संचालित किए हैं।

Festival Director :  PRATIBHA SINGH, Secretary, Kala Mandali. 
PRATIBHA SINGH : Designer-Director 
Nritya Praveen from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad and PG in Kathak from Kathak Kendra, New Delhi, exponent Pratibha Singh started her journey at an early age under guru Shri Narendra Mohini and Shri Balramlal at Patna. Later in Kathak Kendra she learned Pt. Birju Maharaj and Shri Jaikishan Maharaj and many other eminent dancers of different styles. She performed widly across the country. She is recipient of the award  Junior Fellowship of Ministry of Culture (2015-2017). She has been awarded scholarships from Sahitya Kala Parishad (Delhi), Poddar Tiles Saskritik Koshang (Patna). In the departmental competitions of Postal Services, and youth festivals of Universities she won the best positions in her Kathak Dance category. Vishnu Prabhkar Kala Samman -2018. 
She has performed solos and compositions in Sahitya Utsav (Chandigarh, 2017), 
National Natya Utsav, Tripura, 2016; Kinnar Mahotsav (Patna, May 2016), Va-chan Vaachan Utsav(2015), Delhi; Patliputra Mahotsava (2000), Kathak Keendra Convocation Festival (1999), Buddha Mahotsava (1999), International Trade Fair(1998-99), Ra-jgir Mahotsav (1990-93), Nritya Pratibha of SNA, New Delhi (2002, Ranchi). She has per-formed in the choreographic compositions of Pt. Birju Maharaj, Smt. Uma Sharma, Shri Harish Gangani, Rajendra Gangani, Smt Nandani Singh, Shri Amir Raza Hussain.  
With many dance choreographic compositions she has choreographed many dramatic movements for stage. She has directed a dance presentation with the artists from the transgender community of Delhi and is been granted a cultural mapping project under a scheme of Ministry of Culture to collect the Vocals of transgender Community of Delhi. She runs a Kathak training centre in Delhi and is Artistic Director, Secretary of Kala Mandali, Delhi which is engaged in producing experimental works in the field of Music, Dance and Drama. She is conducting workshop on performing arts; Dance-Theatre with children, youth and families. Conducting workshops for Delhi Police Families.  
Kharu Ka Khara Kissa ( A dramatic work showcased in Bharatmuni Drama Festival of Sahitya Kala Parishad, Delhi 2015), Khushiyan Aur Afsaane (A devised Performance with third genders of Delhi),  Vidyapati Vasant (Choreography in Kathak, Based on the spring poems of Maithali Poet Vidyapati: 2016) Benaras Ki Subah Se Awadh Ki Sham Tak (A dance confluence of Awadh and Varanasi originated diverse cultural expressions : 2017), Ritusangharam (Based on the poem of Kalidas explored in traditional Kathik and Kathak performance: 2017)Ram Ki Shakti Pooja (Based on Nirala’s poem explored with classical dance, puppetry, mime, traditional arts and poetry recitation: 2017) 

 Day 1 : Saturday, 20 June 2020 
Yoganand Sangeet by UMASHANKAR with SMITA PARASHAR

Sitar Artist, Music Composer
Umashankar, a brilliant performer, is acclaimed as one of the most outstanding Sitar players of the country today amongst the present generation. His Sitar sparkles with the rare combination of virtuosity with technical finesse and a deep sense of aesthetics. His music also reflects the eternal essence of Sitar. Born in Patna (Bihar), he has been groomed in a musical atmosphere since his birth. He is a disciple of World Renowned Sitar Maestro, Pandit “Debu Chaudhuri” Padma Bhushan Awardee. He had initially also been trained during his childhood under “Shri Ashish Chatterjee” of Patna. The immortal,music of the legendary  “MianTansen” , the doyen of Indian Classical Music continues to resonate in the Indian psyche mainly through the renowned Senia Gharana, India’s oldest traditional school of music,named after miantansen. The Senia Gharana is characterized by its unmatched tradition and style of playing sitar with only 17 frets, which is a rare phenomenon, whereas all other Gharanas in India play sitar with 19 or 20 frets (parda).Umashankar Ji, today, strides the musical pantheon like a young handsome Colossus. His graceful style and intricate technique echo the great masters of the past. From his nimble fingers resonate, the rich tones and melodious phrases, which are characteristics of his style. His skillful fingers handle rapidly moving passages with ease, while maintaining integrity and beauty of every note, the mark of a true virtuoso. With each performance, he evokes masterful handling of his instrument emitting grace, fluidity and dexterity with each note. His charming stage presence and charisma only serve to enhance the overall grandness of the performance. That being so, it must be mentioned that simplicity and clarity are the hallmark of his style.Special Concerts:• Umashankar Ji accompanied his guruji in a very special and prestigious concert celebrating the 60 years of the Indian parliament held in the central  hall of parliament house, New Delhi, India.• He also had the honor to perform in front of former prime minister of India Shri   Manmohan singh, former president of India Smt. Pratibha Patil and former speaker of India Smt. Meera Kumar.• He is regularly performed with Smt. Sharmishta Mukharjee, Kathak exponent (daughter of former president of India.)• Umashankar Ji has performed in front of Chinese president “Li Yuanchao” in china. He also has to his credit many successful concerts in Major Music Festivals in India and abroad. • Umashankar Ji has also been the featured artist who perform almost in all the Major cities of the country like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Assam, Jharkhand,  Tripura, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Punjab, & Haryana.• Umashankar Ji also had the honor to perform with double Grammy award winner Dana Leong for his group Tektonik, and he is a key member of this group.• Umashankar Ji is very much fortunate to lead a group of 250 musicians from all over India, conduct a folk orchestra organized by Doordarshan Kendra, New Delhi on the occasion of new year celebration.Unique Performances:Fusion, Cross over Music, World Music and Jugalbandi (Duet) Concerts with his innovative ideas, also being a composer Umashankar Ji received rave reviews after he explored and experimented successfully with Fusion Concerts, World and Crossover Music, and Jugalbandi( Duet) Concerts in India and Abroad.• Sitar with Chelo: Umashankar Ji performed in a concert with double Grammy award winner Dana Leong from USA.• Sitar with opera music: He has also performed with Austrian opera group from Austria.• Sitar with Pipa Aarhu, Kucchi (Chinese instruments) in China.• Sitar with Tibatian Flute and Vocals in Bhutan. These concerts also had an overwhelming response and won the hearts of the audience.• Umashankar Ji has given unique concert with Philippine drums and percussion in Philippines.• He has also experimented successfully concert with Rajasthani folk Instruments like Khartaal, Nakkara, Dholak, Ilgoja & Matka, which was  highly appreciated by audience.• He has performed with Carnatic musicians in Kerala which also shows his imagination in another dimension in his musical career. Another unique and rare concert performed by him was on the Solo Sitar was accompanied by both Tabla and  Mridangam, a highly successful and rare combination. • UmashankarJi has also given extremely successful Duet Concerts with Santoor, Sarangi, Flute and Violin with many reputed artists of the country. Awards & Accolades• Received Bismillah Khan Yuva Award by govt. of Bihar in 2013.• Received a certificate from U.S.department of state bureau of education and cultural affairs for promoting mutual understanding between India  and the United States through the support of the NSLT  program.• Awarded National Scholarship from H.R.D (Human Resource Department of India)• Awarded Sangeet Kala Nidhi Samman from Patna Institute of Music at Ustad Zakir Hussain Memorial Music Festival.• Awarded 2nd prize in National Youth Festival, 2004.• Awarded scholarship from C.C.R.T, Govt. of India.• 10 successive gold medals for the dept. of posts, Bihar circle at national cultural meet since 1994.• 1st prize in World Music Day in Patna.• 1st prize in Poddar Tiles Sanskritik wings in Patna.• 1st prize in Maatri Udbodhan Ashram.Unapparelled Unique CreationsSangeet Shakuntala: The drama “SHAKUNTALAM” is the most unique and creative identification of great poet Kalidas. The drama is known for its poem, beauty, craft and acting.The young Sitar player Umashankar present the very popular drama in a very special way accompanied by his fellow mates to give totally new musical experience to all the music lovers. This drama does not only contain visual content but it also provides a beautiful combination of musical narration. For the very first time in India the audience will experience the unique  experiment in drama. Indian Ekayan: India is the best example of unity in diversity.The true meaning of “Vasudev Kutumb” can only be heard and witnessed in India.The variety with unity can only be witnessed in the rich heritage of Indian Music.If we pay attention, we shall notice that unity is the key ingredient for melody.This musical group has been successful in preserving the folk and traditional music which is a symbol of unity in India. The members of this group believe that the objective of music is to keep its audience connected forever. Music can do wonders which can keep the humanity live and active in every individual. The audience of this musical unit believe that the tune of the compositions and presentations of this group give a tour of unity and integrity. By listening to its music the audience can easily relate to the perfect diversity of folk music and this is the reason why this group has a style very different from every other musical group. The only thing that makes this group unique is its creative idea of composing and presenting music with the message of unity and equality which is the priority for this group.Tribhikshu: Tribhikshu connotation is derived from the era of yore when Buddha was preaching Satya Ahimsa and Mahavira was emphasizing on austerity as a choice of life. Tribhikshu is an assemblage of musicians who convey their core spirit through their unique sounds which absorbs the listener’s soul and activate it to the enlightenments. These sounds create an atmosphere where souls are fed with the sense of epiphany. The instruments have been picked through experiments on our response to different sounds. Tribhikshu takes you to a surreal tour of natural and preaches you about “PANCH TATWAS” of the human body and their significance. In a very short span of time, The young & energetic members of Tribhikshu have carved their niche in the Musical fraternity and have earned fame across the globe in their fields. The band has a unique capability of blending the mood with the situation, place & the audience which helps them in captivating the mood of listeners & showing them different nuances of music. Experience in Theatre Music:Umashankar Ji has other quality which shows his imagination in another dimension in his musical career that is theatre music.He has composed and orchestrated background music for 150 plays with different renowned theatre directors of India.• Composed music for a plays Dilli ki Diwaar and Suraj ka Satwa Ghoda, directed by  Mr. Suman Kumar.• Composed music for the play Swarg Lok mein Democracy, directed by Mr. Suman Kumar.• Directed and composed music for the play Assi Bahri Alang.• Directed and composed music for a dance drama Balcharit of Mahakavi Bhas.• Played background music on Sitar for a play Chaya Shakuntalam Directed by  Mr. K.N. Panikkar.• Played background music on sitar for a Parsi play Veer Abhimanyue directed & produced by Mrs. Hema Singh, National school of Drama.• Played background music for the play Bhagwata Achutam directed by Mr. Ramji  Bali, (National school of Drama).• Directed and composed music for plays Mahadev, Mahamahim directed by  Mr. Suman Kumar, (National school of Drama).• Composed music for the play Sangeet Shakuntala.• Composed music for the play Banaras Ki Subha Se Awadh Ki Shaam Tak.• Composed music for the play Bhediya.• Composed music for the play Nugra Ka Tamasha.• Composed music for the play Ram ki Shakti Puja.• Composed music for the play Kanupriya.• Composed music for the play Saudagar. • Composed music for the play GharaurBahar.Besides his innumerous performances all over the world, Umashankar Ji has a unique quality to conduct and playback music for theatre which makes him a unique personality.He taught theatre music and did around 200 theatre music for different plays.Performance in different countries all over the world: He has toured extensively throughout the world as a solo artiste as well as accompanist. These include countries like United States of America, Canada, England, Germany, Austria, Belgium, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Thailand, Europe, Philippines, just to name a few. Academic Excellence:Umashankar Ji has also excelled in each stage of his education. He is the recipient of the Gold Medal for his Master of Music, At present, he does not only performs all over the world, but also teaches in different schools and colleges. Thus; being a unique and rare combination of an eminent performer and teacher together in one.• He is a Disciple of Sitar maestro Padma Bhushan Pt. Debu Chaudhuri,  New Delhi.• B.A. in Sociology from Patna university.• Diploma in Radio Management from Academy of Radio Management, New Delhi.• Received Sangeet Prabhakar, senior and junior diploma in sitar from Prayag   Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad.• The Master of Music (Instrumental) from M.D. U. Rohtak.• Learnt theatre music from Late Shri BbhaskarChandravarka. 

Coordinator : (Artist : Yoganand)
DR. SMITA PARASHAR, President, Kala Mandali

Day 2 : Sunday, 21 June 2020. 
Art, Artists and Stress Management : JASPAL SINGH
Istanbul, Turkey.

Jaspal Singh from India is the owner and founder of RUHSAAR ÖZEL SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ LTD.ŞTİ. (Ruhsaar Alternative Therapies Centre) based in Mecidiyeköy-Şişli Istanbul, Turkey. He is a dedicated Holistic Healer, Reiki Master and well qualified in the field of Reflexology, which is now an internationally recognized remedial treatment in the field of alternative therapies. His goal is to reach, help and heal as many needy people as he can with his healing hands. With more than 21 years of study & experience in the healing field, Jaspal is a Life Member of All India Association of Acupressure Reflexology; he is also member of International Council of Reflexologists, Durban, South Africa, member of the International Reiki Healing Foundation and Pranic Healing Foundation of Delhi India. 
He has travelled widely in Asia as well as Europe and is passionate about the work he does, believing completely in the system of mind-body-spirit healing.
He has been associated with The Marmara Hotel in Taksim, Spa Ceylon in Saskinbakkal, Bilgi Paylaşım Merkezi in Taksim, Trust Human Academy in Akatlar, Istanbul, Purovel Spa in Swissôtel Buyuk Efes, Izmir, Cosmed Estetik Güzellik Merkezi in Fulya, Istanbul, Caudalie Vinotherapie®  Spa at Hotel Les Ottomans in Kuruçeşme Istanbul , The Sofa Hotel Nisantasi, Spa-ce Spa in KGCC Kemer Burgaz, Cityzen Spa in Metrocity, Levent, The Sesame Spa in their two centers at Kemer Golf & Country Club in Kemerburgaz & in Hotel Ramada Asia in Altunizade, Anantara spa in Astoria Towers, Essentepe, The LifeCo Well-being Detox Center/day spa in their Istanbul & Bodrum centers as Visiting Healing Therapist in Turkey. Apart from Turkey he is associated with Menla Spa in Hotel Zhiwaling, Paro, in Bhutan, Ananda Spa in Himalyas in India, Gingkgo Spa, Siem Reap, in Cambodia as Trainer cum Spa Consultant, Siam Spa, Chiang Mai, in Thailand as Visiting Healing Therapist. 
All Treatments offered are specially designed very therapeutic, result oriented and very relaxing as well.
Therapeutic Foot Reflexology: Reflexology - the study of reflex points in the feet is an internationally recognized remedial treatment in the field of alternative therapies, capable of acting as a curative and preventive healing tool. Reflexology alleviates the effects of stress by inducing deep relaxation, helps in improving the blood circulation thereby creating an even flow to the nerves. A great therapy to deal with physical problems. 
Soft & Gentle Energy Balancing therapy: With the vast experience over the years, Jaspal believes that every part of the body has its own memory storage and our emotional and psychological problems are the actual hidden reasons for our physical problems/diseases. Jaspal is able to deal with these problems holistically by establishing the connection with these memory storages inside the body through his healing touch. With the nice blend of warmth of Reiki and selective therapeutic modalities, this signature therapy relaxes, rejuvenates and eventually heals the mind-body & soul in the real sense.                                        
   Newspaper Reviews:• 
Naad vatika se sangeet maye hua rose garden    “Dainik Bhaskar”, Chandigadh• Manch per jane se pehle hamesha darr lagta hai “Dainik Bhaskar”, Chandigadh• Jeetna hai aam shrota ka dil “Hindustan”, Patna• Garv se kehta hu bihari hu “Hindustan”, Patna• Main senia gharane ki parampara ka kalakaar“Hindustan”, Patna• Tansen banna hai to pehle kaansen baniye“Hindustan”, Patna• Umashankar mujtaba ki jugalbandi se shrota mugdh “Amar Ujala”, Lucknow• Patna ke sitar vaadak ko mili rashtriya pehchaan “Dainik Jaagran”, Patna• Jugabandi mein dikhe sitar ke meethe andaaz “Rashtriye Sahara”, Patna• Sitar, Sarod, Guitar ke saath jhankrit hue dilon ke taar “Hindustan”, Patna• Patna Vishva vidhyalaye ke Umashankar ne sitar per jab raag hemant cheda to laga Pt. Ravi Shankar yuvavastha mein manch per aa gaye “Hindustan”, Hazari Bagh• Sitar aur Sarod ki meethi jugalbandi“ Hindustan“, New Delhi• Melodious sitar recital “Hindustan Times”, New Delhi• Sitar ki jhankaar aur Table ki thaap se gunjta raha vinovabhave vishvavidhyalaye “Dainik Jaagran”, Patna• Sitar aurTable ki jugalbandi per bhaav vibhore hue log “Hindustan”, Patna• Sur milaya sitar ne, Uma Shankar aur Mujtaba Hussain ne ki Raag Yaman ki sunder prastuti “Lucknow Jagran”

B 202,Dhawan Regency, Road No. 4A, Gardani Bagh, Patna-800001, Bihar

Flat No. 13, Phase-1, Pocket- 1, Netaji Subhash Appartments,Sector 13, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078E-mail: sonusitar@gmail.comTelephone: +91 9891018358, 9910215341CONTACT:   

Day 3 : Monday, 22 June 2020 : 

CURRICULUM VITAE VIPUL PATHAK ADD:-I 14, FIRST FLOOR, KARAMPURA, NEW DELHI 110015 Ph. No.:-9971619553, 9999305699 E-mail 

CAREER OBJECTIVES:-  To achieve highest standard in the profession thought along with Hard work sincerity and determination to provide best services to organization. QUALIFICATION:-  10th Passed from C.B.S.E. Board, Delhi.  12th Passed from C.B.S.E. Board, Delhi.  B.F.A. Passed (First Division) from AMITY UNIVERSITY, Noida.  Bhaskar (Equivalent to Post Graduate Qualification with First Division) in Fine Arts (Painting) from PRACHEEN KALA KENDRA. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION:-  Sangeet Prabhakar in Kathak Dance from Prayag Sangeet Samiti.  Senior Diploma in Classical Vocal from Prayag Sangeet Samiti.  6 Months Certificate course in Nursing Attendant from Jan Shikshan Sansthan Prayas, Delhi.  Behavioural Science Course from Amity Institute of PSYCHOLOGY & ALLIED SCIENCES.  English & Communication Skills Course from Amity institute of English Studies & Research.  Basic knowledge of computers. ACHIEVEMENTS:-  BEST STUDENT OF THE SCHOOL IN GOVT. SARVODAYA BAL VIDYALAYA.  100 % ATTENDANCE AWARD. 

 Participated in Dancer of 2010 Award & Stand First Position with Certificate & Trophy from The Unique College of Education , Delhi.  First Prize in Solo Kathak Performance from Pratibha Sur Tarang Kendra Recognized by Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad.  Participated in 6th MERI DELHI UTSAV, Punjabi Bagh Stadium, New Delhi.  Participated in Social & Educational Activities from NAV DRISHTI EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE SOCIETY.  Awarded by Certificate of Merit with GOLD MEDAL in VOLLEYBALL Competition at Zone-XVI, Distt. WEST A, Directorate of Education, Delhi.  First Prize with Certificate from Govt. of India at the National Museum, New Delhi.  First Prize in Painting Competition from Creative Learners Hobby art School, New Delhi.  First Prize in MOSAIC Competition at Amity Institute of Bio Technology, Amity University, Noida.  First Prize in QUAWALI Competition in Zonal Level from Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya.  Third Prize in Sanskrit SHLOK Competition from Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya, Ramesh Nagar, Delhi. EXPERIENCE:-  9 Years worked with (NGO’S, ORGANISATIONS, INSTITUTES & EVENTS IN ALL OVER INDIA) as a Classical & Devotional Performer. STRENGTH:-  Positive attitude  Hardworking  Sincere  Result oriented PERSONAL DETAILS:- FATHER'S NAME :- Sh. PRAHLAD PATHAK DATE OF BIRTH :- 1ST NOV 1991 NATIONALITY :- INDIAN RELIGION :- HINDU LANGUAGE KNOWN :- HINDI & ENGLISH MARITAL STATUS :- UNMARRIED GENDER :- MALE HOBBIES :- TEACHING, PAINTING, DANCING & CREATIVE THINKING Declaration I hereby declare that the facts given in this resume are correct in the best of my knowledge. DATE:- PLACE:-NEW DELHI (VIPUL PATHAK)

Day 4, Tuesday, 23 June 2020 
Yogesh Kumar Shankar
Shehnai Player 
Born in a family of Traditional Shehnai Player and one of the brightest Shehnai Player in the field of music. Yogesh Kumar Shankar showed love and interest toward One of the most popular and ancient instrument of Indian Sub-Continent i.e; Shehnai since his childhood. 
His initial training started under the guidance of his father Shri Hari Singh at and very early age. His father himself a renowed Shehnai Player is also the discipline of world renowned Shehnai Player Guru Late Pandit Anant Lal Jee. Later after rigorous training and practicing for several years his father took him to Pandit Daya Shankar son and discipline of Late PT Anant Lal Ji and also of the legendary Sitar Maestro Lt. Pandit Ravi Shankar Ji. It was during this time that he had the privilege to learn fine techniques and subtleties of the art of Shehnai playing, not just from Pandit Daya Shankar but also from Guru Late Pandit Anant Lal Ji. 
Yogesh Kumar Shankar has received scholarship from the HRD Ministry for his outstanding musicianship and was also awarded first prize in All India Radio music competition. 
A regularly featured Artist of All India Ratio Yogesh Kumar Shankar started his career at a very age by recording for Yuwavani and later performed for AIR Sangeet Sabha Concerts. He has accompanied his father and Guru’s not just in National Programme of Music Sangeet Sammelan (AIR and Doordarshan Both) but on almost all the prestigious platforms and festival of music and India like Festivals organized Sangeet Natak Music, Spic Macay, Baba Hari Ballabh Sangeet Sammelan, Tansen Sangeet Sammelan, Spirit of unity Concerts. 
His solo recitals have gained accolades from connoisseur of music and critics at throughout India and Abroad. 
A B High grade artist the main characteristic of Yogesh Kumar Shankar Recitals are Systematic Badhat in Gayaki Ang (Vocal Style), Exquisite “Gamaks” and fast “Tans” played with ease. Precision and Clarity and a marked influence of Banaras Gahrana (Banaras School of Music.)

Address : A-317, Bunker Colony, 
Ashok Vihar, Phase – 4, 
Delhi – 110052, India  
Email ID :
Mob.: : +919811562548

Day 5, Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Day 6 : Thursday, 25 JUNE 2020
Rakesh Pathak hails from a family of Traditional Hindustani Classical Music of Dumraon, Bihar. He received training from his father , and further guidance from Pt.A.T.Kanan.
Rakesh Pathak started performing at a very tender age for All India Radio as an approved artiste for Light Music. He was a vocalist with the Song and Drama Division for two years in the late nineties. He has to his credit several vocal recitals in India and abroad.
 A graded artiste of A.I.R. his Gayan has been recorded by Delhi Doordarshan.
Rakesh Pathak draws inspiration from the best of musicians, yet his approach towards music is all his own. His range of three octaves, and movement of his sonorous voice within this range has come in for public acclaim. 
Rakesh Pathak has given music direction in Raksha Mantras(sung by him for the leading music label Kosmic Music).
 Project OM, his album released by Deo Ashram Trust.
 Album Meera Bhajans released by Pragnya a leading music company of Bengaluru.
 PARVATI  MAGAL presented by danseuse Sharon Lowen and eminent art resource person, Kamalini Dutt in Khajuraho.
 Presentations of TYAAG(The Yoga and Art Group) 1999 onwards, and also for Kalashram.
Composed music for the productions of Kala Mandali Delhi, Ram ki Shakti Puja,(Suryakant Tripathi Nirala ) & Banaras ki Subah Se Awadh Ki Shaam (Suman Kumar).
Composed music for danseuse Prernaji Shrimali's production PRITHVI.
In the field of teaching, Rakesh Pathak at present member of teaching faculty Kathak Kendra (A Constituent Unit of Sangeet Natak Academi New Delhi) for Gayan.
 worked at Kalashram the institute of Pt. Birju Maharaj for six years.
 Since 1999 he has been teaching at TYAAG under the Guru-Shishya Parampara.
 For two years(2002-04) he taught and was Consultant for the Performing Arts Programme of Sri Ram School, Gurugram. 
 For two years(2007-09) Rakesh Pathak assisted with archiving music at the Central Doordarshan Archives as a Subject Expert.
On panel of examiners for Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad.
On panel  of  examiners On panel  of  judges for Prayag  Sangeet  Samiti,  Allahabad for CSOI,  Chanakyapuri  New  Delhi. On panel  of  judges  for  JNV(Ministry  of  HRD).

Day 7, Friday, 26 June 2020
IRFAN (Syed Mohd Irfan)
Mobile: +91 9818096090~E-Mail:
Address: Flat No. 304, Plot No.42, Gyan Khand-1, Indirapuram , Ghaziabad-201014, U.P.



A professional with in-depth knowledge about television production and on-air television environments with sound working knowledge of tools related to television production.
Managed numerous TV and Radio shows from innovative initial concept, through development to final production. Equally comfortable with live, studio and location broadcasting.
Posses excellent television programming and budgeting skills; Comprehensive knowledge of current trends of television shows as well as sound editorial judgment and broadcasting skills.
Reputation of interviewing eminent personalities of India and abroad viz; M.F.Husain, Maria Krystoff Byrski, Manna Dey, Om Puri, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Shiela Dikshit, Gulzar, Waheeda Rahman and many more.
Adept at conceptualizing and executing creative ideas to meet ratings objectives for multiple projects.
(Refer annexure for list of productions)


Script Writing
Voice Over
Content Management
Research and Development
Radio Jockeying


Samkalin Janmat, Weekly Journal, Patna and New Delhi | Associate Editor | 1988-1996
Pratibimb Communications | Moving Picture Company | Writer, Casting Director, AD | 1997-1998
CPC Doordarshan, New Delhi | Associate Producer on Assignment | 1999-2004
Sarai, CSDS, New Delhi | Independent Research Fellow | 2004-2005
Doordarshan Central Archive, New Delhi | Archivist | 2005-2010
IHE, University of Delhi | Trainer: Radio Jockeying and Programme Production | 2010-2011
IIMC, New Delhi | Academic Associate | Teacher- Contract Basis | 2008-2011
AIR FM Rainbow and FM Gold, New Delhi | Radio Presenter | 1997-2011
RSTV, Delhi | Senior Producer | Hosting weekly celebrity interview series Guftagoo | 2011-till now

Jamia Millia Islamia, Pioneer Media School, Institute of Home Economics, Delhi University South Campus | Visiting Faculty | 2007-2011
DDK, Delhi (Various Channels of Doordarshan), New Delhi | Script writer, Resource Person and Associate Producer | 1997-2011

AIR FM (FM Rainbow and FM Gold), New Delhi | Producer and Presenter of Live Radio Shows |
National Geographic Channel, The History Channel and Discovery | Dubbing Artiste and Writer |
Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishvavidyalaya | Research Associate | 1999-2002
Pratibimb Communication, New Delhi | Script Writer & Casting Director | 1998-1998
Aajkal, Publication Division, New Delhi | Visualizer, Translator and Writer | 1997-1997


Tedhi Lakeer by Ismat Chughtai- Translation Vetting 
1857 ka Mukti Sangram: by Sukumar Sen- Translation
Republic Day Parade - Commentator
Dharati ka Lal: Biopic on Lal Bahadur Shastri- Writer
Consortium for Educational Communication- Jury
100 Years of Recorded Music in India- Research-resource and Voice Over
Muktigatha- Co-Writer
Rashtragatha- Co-writer and Researcher
National Symposium on New Media, Hansraj College Lecture
Staff Training Institute (Program), Presentation on FM Channels: Essential Techniques and Styles
Lecture - Interaction - Demo


2007 Restoration and repurposing of Video Archive, Arch Angel
2006 Content Management, Doordarshan Archives, New Delhi
1997 Radio Presentation Course, AIR, New Delhi
1992 Film Appreciation and Script writing by Film and Television Institute of India
1987 Graphics Designing and Art of Exhibition, University of Allahabad
1986 Visual Perception and Posters, University of Allahabad


M.A. (Mass Communication) from Kurukshetra University
B.A. from University of Allahabad


Sound knowledge of Windows, Web Casting, Sound and Video Editing and Graphics


Date of Birth : 13th May 1966
Languages Known : English, Hindi and Urdu


Nov 1998
Yeh Dilli Hai, An Audio Campaign for Awareness
Dur: 28 Min- For Other Media Communication, New Delhi
Dec, 1998
SAARC writers meet
Radio Reports - For Radio Germany

Oct 1998
TV Reports for DD on International Film Festival of India 
With Stracon India Limited, New Delhi
Feb – Nov 1999
A Series of Curriculum based Poetry teaching audio programs- For IGNOU’s educational Radio Gyan Vani

March, 2000
Ek Minute
Educational Quickies and Radio capsules- For IGNOU’s educational Radio Gyan Vani

March, 2001
A seven parts Radio Biopic series including Salim Ali and   Bhikaiji Cama - For NCERT Radio Programmes

Jan – July 2001
Ayenge Achchhe Din | Us Janpad Ka Kavi Hoon
Audio Books: Comprising contemporary Hindi poets Gorakh Pandey and Trilochan.- For EXPRESSIONS, Gorakhpur Film Festival, New Delhi and Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra

Feb - May 2003
Yadein Nayi Purani
A half an hour audio-visual presentation based on approx. 150 hours of recorded interviews of writers and publishers.
For Smriti Samvad, Mahatma Gandhi Antar-rashtriya Vishvavidyalaya, New Delhi

Sep 2002 - 2005
Afsaney Naye Puraney
Series of Story Telling audio books - For Radio Red, New Delhi
March 2003 – Dec 2004
Suno M.F.Husain ki Kahani
M.F.Husain’s autobigraphy in five parts Audio Books- For M.F.Husain

September 2010– December 2010
Eyeway, Ye Hai Roshni Ka Carvan
Writing, Devising and Presenting a 
Radio Series to empower people with blindness on Fm Channels
For Score Foundation, New Delhi

Subrat Dutta

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Subrat Dutta
ANI 0860 - Copy - Copy.jpg
Subrat Dutta in 2018
Born16 November 1975 (age 44)
Alma materNational School of Drama
Height5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
(m. 2006; div. 2018)


Subrat Dutta (born 16 November 1975) is an actor who appears in Indian films. He is best known for his role in Bollywood films like TalaashTango CharlieZameenThe ShaukeensRakhcharitraBhootnath Returns and Bengali films Chaturanga,[1] Bibar and Jor.

Early life and education[edit]

Subrat Dutta[2] was born in Bankura district of West Bengal. Eldest of three brothers, he completed his schooling from Bankura Christian Collegiate School and bachelor's degree from Bankura Sammilani College with major in Zoology.

Hailing from a non-filmy background Subrat Dutta[3] had no planning to join films and he was preparing for his MBA, when suddenly an advertisement about a theatre workshop caught his attention. The 40 day long workshop organised by National School of Drama in BerhamporeWest Bengal made him change his mind and he decided to join the school. After completing his master's degree from National School of Drama he received a scholarship from Charles Wallace Trust, New Delhi and joined Central School of Speech and Drama, London.

He started his acting career as a theatre artist for NSD Repertory Company[4] and played lead role in 35 plays before joining films.

Subrat Dutta[5] has learnt dance from PranatI Sengupta and continued to take part in Tagore Dance Drama. He tried to learn Kathak but left after few months. He has also worked in amateur "Jatra".

Acting career[edit]

He made silver screen debut with Hindi film Karvaan[6] by Pankaj Butalia as the main protagonist in 1999. His first Bengali film was Uttara by Buddhadev Dasgupta where he played a small role of a Hindu militant.

In the beginning of his career he has worked for many television series too. His work was noticed in Bengali teleseries Shudhu Tomari Jonyo.[7] He has worked in few episodes of the series "Tehreer…Munshi Premchand Ki”[8] by Gulzar, based on stories of Munsi Premchand directed . He was also featured in few episodes of the thriller series Kagaar on Sahara One. Later he returned to television once with Yash Raj Films series Powder in 2010. After making his debut in both Bollywood and Bengali film, he went on to work in both the industries together. Bollywood films like 88 Antop Hill (2003), Zammen (2003) and Bengali film Swapner Feriwala (2002) were some of his early works.

Subrat Dutta[9]’s claim to fame came with his portrayal of a common man Biresh in Bengali film Bibar directed by Subrata Sen, based on Samaresh Basu’s novel with the same name in the year 2006. He won Best Actor at the Osian’s Cinefan Festival of Asian and Arab Cinema His next Bengali ventures Jor (2008) and Chaturanga (2008) were completely different from Bibar, that proved his prowess as an actor. He played the main villain Indrajit in Swapan Saha’s commercial film Jor, remake of the super hit Telugu film Okkadu, whereas Suman Mukhopadhay’s period drama Chaturanga[10] was based on Rabindranath Tagore’s novel. He later also starred in the Hindi remake of OkkaduTevar[11] (2015) in a different role, allowing Manoj Bajpayee to play the main villain.

In 2009 he was awarded Best Actor at Cairo International Film Festival, Egypt for his portrayal of the main protagonist Madholal in the film Madholal Keep Walking[12][13] by Jai Tank.[14] The film received positive reviews from critics and Subrat Dutta’s character was highly praised that gave him lead roles in many commercial and independent films in later years.

His next venture was Ram Gopal Varma’s magnum opus, Rakhcharitra part I and &II[15] (2010), where he was noticed for playing the character of AK in Hindi & Telugu simultaneously. In the same year he appeared in Bengali films Achin Pakhi[16] and Antim Shash Sundar[17][18] opposite Indrani Haldar. He next worked in Talaash(2012), Bengali project Koyekti Meyer Golpo[19] (2012), and some independent Hindi films like Oass (2012), Kaphal[20] (2012) and Baromas[21] (2013), before bagging the role of engineer ghost in super hit film Bhootnath Returns (2014). He next appeared as the main villain Bheera in Roar: Tigers of the Sundarbans[11] (2014) based on tiger poaching in Sundarbans and film director Basu in Akshay Kumar starrer Bollywood film TheShaukeens[11][22] (2014). In both the films his role received critical acclaim. He also appeared in films like Bumper Draw (2015), Charlie Kay Chakkar Mein (2015) and played lead role as ATS Chief in Sameer[23][24] (2017) and Gandhian Divakar in Humne Gandhi Ko Mar Diya[25] (2018). His next release was multilimgual III Smoking Barrels[26] where he played the character of a Bangladeshi refugee[27] earned him immense applause from pan Indian audience and critics. His character Mukhtar[28][29] turns the victim of illegal Elephant poaching where his every move and actions got praised by the critics.

Subrat Dutta was part of Bengali popular series Byomkesh also. He played a noticeable role in Har Har Byomkesh in 2015. Later he played Ajit for Byomkesh[30] series of popular Bengali online channel Hoichoi.[31] He has played the lead character in the emotional drama Bhairavi[32] which was released exclusively on in 2016. Apart from Bollywood and Bengali films he has also appeared in Marathi film Lalbaugchi Rani (2016), Bhojpuri films Tujhse Laagi LaganPistol Ego Prem Kahani and American production English language film Behind the Trees.[33]

Subrat Dutta has acted in more than 45 films. Most of his films like UttaraKaphal: The Wild Berries,[34] ChaturangaBibarMadholal Keep Walking[13] were shown in prestigious National & International Festivals & also won couple of prestigious National and International awards. He has often been referred 'chameleon' as he changed his appearance for every film and experimented with his look for each character he played.

Aasma[35] by Sudipto Sen[36]T for Tajmahal by Kireet Khurana, Bengali film Sitara[37][38] opposite Raima Sen and Brishti tomake Dilam[37][38][39] opposite Jaya Ahsan are some of his upcoming films.

Subrat Dutta appears in TV and web commercials regularly. Some of his notable commercials are Parle G,[40] Wonder Cement,[41] Aircel IP[42]L Commercial, OLX.[43] and Google Paise.[44]

Personal life[edit]

Subrat Dutta is a Yoga expert[45] and practitioner. He was married to theatre director Robijita Gogoii from 2006-2018 whom he met in National School of Drama. After long year of courtship they got married in 29 August 2006. Together they have a daughter named Aatreyi born on 8 June 2010.His other name subrata dutta but known as subrat dutta.



2000UttaraBengaliAs Hindu militant
2002Swapner FeriwalaBengaliShome
200388 Antop HillHindiPrashant
Sala Bandar![47]Hindi Short filmGulshanRoop Singh Sood[48]
ZameenHindiMajor Puri
2005Tango CharlieHindiAs revolutionary leader
Mangal Pandey: The RisingHindiMangal's friend
ShauryaHindiColonel MalhotraSamar Khan[49]
Tomar JonyoBengaliRahul Roy
10:10BengaliApratimArin Paul[50]
2009Thanks MaaHindiIrfan Kamal
Madholal Keep Walking[13]HindiMadholal DubeyJai Tank[14]
2010Achin Pakhi[16]BengaliAchin
Antim Swash Sundar[18]BengaliPrem SenguptaKris Alin[51]
Rakhta Charitra IHindi/TeluguAK
Rakhta Charitra IIHindi/TeluguAK
2012Koyekti Meyer Golpo[19]BengaliAshesh[
OassHindiJhukkiAbhinav Shiv Tiwari[52]
TaalashHindiShashi Nayak
Lattoo[53]BengaliAarjoAshish Roy[53]
2013Meridian Lines[54]HindiRomeoVenod Mitra[55]
Kaphal: Wild Berries[20]HindiKailashBatul Mukhtiar[56]
Baromas[21]HindiEknath TanpureDhiraj Meshram[57]
Target Kolkata[58]BengaliSurjoKartick Singh[58]
2014Bhootnath ReturnsHindiEngineer GhostNitesh Tiwari
ROAR: Tigers of the SundarbansHindiBheeraKamal Sadnah
The ShaukeensHindiRanjit BasuAbhishek Sharma
2015TevarHindiKaakdiAmit Ravindernath Sharma
Pakaram[59]BengaliDipakShankar Debnath[60]
Bumper Draw[61]HindiVilliumIrshad Khan
Charlie Kay Chakkar MeinHindiSohailManish Srivastav[62]
Har Har ByomkeshBengaliNarmadashankarArindam Sil
2016Ardhangini Ek ArdhsatyaBengaliSandeepReema Mukherjee
Lalbaugchi RaniMarathiDrunk guyLaxman Utekar[63]
Bhairavi[32]HindiSuhail Tatari[64]
2017SameerHindiDesai, ATS ChiefDakxin Bajrange[65]
2018Humne Gandhi Ko Mar DiyaHindiDivakarNaeem A Siddiqui
W[66]Hindi Short FilmunknownSushant Panda[66]
III Smoking Barrels[26]MultilingualMukhtarSanjib Dey[67]
2019Dotara[68]BengaliDebdutta[69]Amitabha Dasgupta[70]
2019SitaraBengaliManab SarkarAshish Roy
2019Brishti Tomake Dilam[39]BengaliArnab Paul

Upcoming Films

UpcomingT for TajmahalHindiBansiKireet Khurana
Lucknow Times[71]HindiKallol GhoshSudipto Sen[36]
Josef- Born In Grace[72][73][74]HindiJosefSusant Mishra
Aasma[35]HindiIntekabSudipto Sen[36]
He ManHindiJackPuneet Issar
Dhuusar (Grey)BengaliPrashanta GuhaSnehashish Mondal, Soumi Saha
Behind the Trees[75]EnglishNavinVikram Jayakumar[76]


2002-2003Shudhu Tomari Jonyo[7]Shankar Dada

Onyo Rong[7]

Etv Bangla
2002-2003Tehreer…Munsi Premchand Ki[8]Namak Ka Daroga[8]

Sawa Sher Gehu[77]

DD National[78]
2002KagaarOperation RameswaramSahara One
2010PowderAs Zonal Inspector BoseSony Entertainment Television

Web Series

He has played the character of a broker in Netflix Original Series Selection Day. He has also appeared as Ajit in Hoichoi TV’s popular show Byomkesh[30] for three seasons from 2017-2018.

YearSeriesCharacterWeb channel
2018Selection DaySeason 1: BrokerNetflix
2017-2018Byomkesh[30]Season 1: Satyanweshi and Pather Kanta as Ajit/Makorshar Rosh and Arthamanartham as Ajit

Season 2: Rokter Dag and Roktomukhi Nila as Ajit

Season 3: Sajarur Kanta as Ajit

2020Lalbazaar [80]Season 1: A.C Port Gaurav DuttaZee5
2020Shobdo JobdoSeason 1: Dr. AmitavoHoichoi

his new web series was mantu pilot with sourav das and other on hoichhoi..


28 June 2020 

Manjari Srivastava                                           
B-60, S.R.M Apartment
New Delhi -110092 
M- 8800546607
E-Mail -


Founder of a national cultural organization named KALAVEETHEE. 

Founder/proprietor of a publication house named SAPPHO BOOKS. 

Participated as a Jury member of selection committee of 8th THEATRE OLYMPICS, (Feb. 2018)

Participated as a Jury member of selection committee of KALIDASA SAMMAN 2015-16 & 2016-17.

Participated as a Member of screening committee of BHARAT RANG MAHOTSAV 2016. 

Awarded by the honour of Best Theatre Critic 2017 by Natsamrat, a famous theatre group of India.

Awarded by R.T.Rajan Memorial Award 2018 by Ashirwad rangmandal, Begusarai.

Awarded by Jumior Research Fellowship (Ministry of culture) and doing research on ‘Sources of aesthetic sense of the plays of Mr. Ratan Thiyam.

Ten years of post qualification working experience with various media houses, specially print media. Currently working as a Theatre Critic for a leading Hindi Daily Jansatta (A publication of Indian Express Group) from last five years. The paper as a circulation of more than 50 thousand. 

Written a play named YATRA NAARYASTU POOJYANTE which has been staged all over India by various theatre groups of Begusarai, Bihar.

Participated as a Guest Faculty and delivered two day lecture on ‘Modern Indian Theatre’ in a workshop organized by National School of Drama (NSD) and headed by an eminent theatre person & chairperson of NSD Padm Sri Ratan Thiyam.

Participated as a Moderator of “Meet the director” programme during BHARAT RANG MAHOTSAV from last three years.

Participated as a Theatre Critic/Expert in Allied Events during BHARAT RANG MAHOTSAV 2016 & presented a paper on Theatre Criticism. 

Associated with ASHIRWAD RANGMANDAL, Begusarai (Bihar) from 2014 as a Media Coordinator, Concept Designer and Jury Member of National, International & Children Theatre Festival.

Organized Theatre Appriciation & Criticism Workshop at DREAM DARE DESIGN, Patna.

Associated with VIHAN DRAMA WORKS, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) as a Guest Faculty and delivered various lectures on folk theatre of India, in special reference of Bihar & on  Theatre Criticism. 

As a Theatre Expert & Guest Faculty associated with NSD & different theatre groups & schools viz. KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, SOME PUBLIC & MCD SCHOOLS OF  DELHI.

As a Guest/Visiting Faculty associated with JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY, New Delhi.

Also engaged with magazine RANG PRASANG (A HINDI QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF NSD, which has a wide circulation all over India), SAMKALEEN RANGMANCH, PRATHAM PRAVAKTA, KOLAJ & many more as a Theatre Critic/ Theatre Expert/ Theatre Writer. Also working as an Author/Editor/Translator with PUBLICATION DIVISION and NATIONAL BOOK TRUST.


First published poetry book in Hindi “EK BAAR FIR NACHO NA ISADORA” (A long poetry/ dance-drama production on an American dancer ISADORA)
(Aarohi publishers - 2011).

Participated in various programmes of DOORDARSHAN KENDRA DELHI & PATNA and AAKASHVAANI DELHI & PATNA as a poet.

Participated in various KAAVYA PAATH (Poetry Recitation) organized by SAHITYA AKADEMI, JANWADI LEKHAK SANGH, VISHWA YUVAK SANGH, ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS & LITERATURE, LIKHAWAT & RAJENDRA SMRITI NYAAS. These are all apex bodies promoting Hindi literature and theatre. 

Participated in various KAHANI PAATH (story telling in theatrical style) organized by ALL INDIA RADIO, DELHI.

Poems published in HANS, AALOCHANA, SAAHITI SAARIKA, ANBHAI  SAANCHAA, SABKE DAAVEDAAR, SHESH (all are leading national & regional literary magazine) INDIA TODAY (4Nov.2009), PAAKHI (Oct.2009), NAYA GYANODAYA (Sep.2009, January 2009), NAYA PATH (January-March 2009), GAGANANCHAL (July-September, 2008, A publication brought out by ICCR, Govt. of India), Hindustan dainik’s supplement- PRATIBIMB (Patna Edition) dated March 18th, 2004. Poems also published in Prabhat Khabar’s Suppliment SURBHI (Patna Edition).

Qualified UGC- NET Exam for Lectureship in 2004.
Awarded by Short Term Library Fellowship from ICCR (October 2004-   February 2005), (Topic-Maulana Azad’s Vision On Science, Technology & Development.-Under publication by ICCR) 
Paper presented in Indian History Congress, March 2007 on “Lesbian Movement in Contemporary India”
Paper published in Indian History Congress, Dec. 2007 on “Lesbianism in nineteenth century erotic Urdu poetry ‘Rekhti’.
Paper Submitted for Indian History Congress, Dec.2008 on “Same-Sex Union in Modern Indian Cinema”


M.A.(History) from Patna University in the year 2000
B.A. (Hons.) History from Lalit Narayan Mithila University in the year 1997
10+2 (Arts) from C.B.S.E. in 1994
Matriculation from B.S.E.B. , Patna in 1992


P. G. Diploma in Hindi Journalism from Patna University in the year 2005 and obtained a first class first.
Content Analysis on T.V. News for my above mentioned course curriculum.
Knowledge of Quark Xpress, MS-Word, MS-Excel.
Good Typing Speed in English & Hindi.

Father’s Name :      Sri Vijay Kumar Srivastava
Date of Birth :      01-03-1978
Languages Known            :     Hindi , English, Urdu, Bhojpuri, Maithili



(Sufi, Ghazal, Bhajan singer and music composer)

“Aftab-E-Ghazal” Shashank Shekhar is one of the most talented singers in the current Indian music scenario. Gifted with a golden voice, a thinkers intellect and a performers flair, he has been enthralling music enthusiasts with his singing for the past two decades.

His musical virtuosity is best reflected in his rendition of Ghazals, Sufi numbers and Bhajans. What makes him unique is his deep understanding of Indian classical music and literature and also the psychology of the audience which help him present meaningful yet entertaining performances for his listeners. 

His music comes straight from the heart and feeds the soul of his listeners. He is known to break down the abstract art form into laymans language because for him music is not just entertainment, but also a mirror to life itself. In the hundreds of concerts that he has performed both in India and abroad, he has managed to create loyalists and votaries.

Shashanks intuitive style developed very early in life as he was surrounded by music patrons and art lovers in his family. His ancestors employed court musicians and encouraged the classical tradition in the pre and post-independence times. His father too maintained this lively musical atmosphere at home. As a result, young Shashank reaped the benefit of being in the company of many stalwarts of their times. He, later, learned Hindustani Classical and Light vocal from Ustad Maujood Hussain Khan of the Agra Gharana and Pandit Narhari Pathak of the Darbhanga Gharana.

Brief bio
Musical qualification: Sangeet Bhaskar (MA in Music)
Educational qualification: MA (Public Admn)

Musical background:--         --More than 400 public performances since age 15
                                 --Trained in classical and light vocal by renowned gurus
                                    like Pt Narhari Pathak (Darbhanga Gharana) and Maujood 
                                    Hussain Khan (Agra Gharana)
                                 --Performed on stage with artists like Alka Yagnik,
                                    Jatin-Lalit, Vengaboys, Madhuri Dixit, Shubha Mudgal,
                                    Kavita Krishnamurthy, Pt. Birju Maharaj, Shovana Narayan,
                                    Dr. L. Subramaniam, Pt. Godai Maharaj, Rita Ganguly etc

Awards: Aftab-E-Ghazal from Govt of Telangana, More than fifty awards and citations including Patna University Blue, Sur Mani, Bihar Shree, Kala Shree, several Gold Medals in National-level competitions. Felicitated by Govt of Bihar at Rajgir Mahotsav, 2015.

Performances: In most big cities in India and in Toronto, Dubai, Bangkok, Durban, Johannesburg, Chicago, Muscat, Salalah etc. Performed in the series "A tribute to Jagjit Singh" in Hazaribagh, Dhanbad, Gurgaon and Delhi and "A tribute to Mehdi Hassan" in Patiala. 

Artistic achievements: Has composed more than 200 ghazals and bhajans. Has scored music for theatre and documentaries. Composed the Millenium song for Zees Millenium Show in Mumbai, the biggest musical event ever held in India.

Workshops: Has held workshops and Lec-Dems with children on various forms of Indian music and culture.  
Experience as music show judge and mentor: Has judged national level competitions including National Youth Festival organised by Govt of India for more than 15 years. Has mentored many young singers and artists.
Facebook fan page:
Mobile: 09313373261/09310376261

Name: Lal Bahadur

D.O.B:     6th December 1984
Address:      K-99B-Street No 7
                     Udhyan Road
            Uttam Nagar
          New Delhi
Email address:
Mobile Number:     (0091) 9990414285
Muritius number  +230 4258421

B.A. (Hons.) in Tabla from INDIRA KALA SANGIT VISHWAVIDYALAY,, KAIRAGARH (C.G.)  (2012-2014)
Post Graduate DIPLOMA in Tabla from KATHAK KENDRA, NEW DELHI (2005-2010) 

Working experience:
Mount Abu Secondary Public School as Tabla teacher (2008-2010)
St Thomas Secondary Private School as Tabla teacher (2010 and up till now)
Raag Vairaag Educational and Cultural Performing Art as table teacher (part time basis)

2008 - Solo performance in tabla at Triveni Auditorium
2009-With  Kathak workshop in Gorakpur
2010 – Opening and Closing ceremony of the Commonwealth game in New Delhi as tabla player
Also in 2010 solo concert at Triveni Auditorium
2011 – solo performance on Lok-kala Manch and also played in duet dance festival by Raag Vairaag Institute
2012 – solo performance at Chandigarh accompanied by Warmika Ghabi ans also participated in the classical music festival in Naini Taal
2013 – solo performance at the Bharatiya Yog Sansthan and at Geetanjali Music Society
2014 – solo performance and played with kathak dancers at Mouradhabad railway headquarter on engineering’s day and also classical and fusion music festival in Goa
2015 – performance with kathak dancers in Chandigarh and also participated in the music festival of IWCF

International  Concerts
In Mauritius in MGI 2015   
In Mauritius in  MBC and MGI  / in Interview / performance  in 2017
Rhythm arranger

Currently completed  my MA in tabla from INDIRA KALA SANGIT VISHWAVIDYALAY,, KAIRAGARH

Future Plans:
Building up my own musical institution to enhance Indian music locally and internationally.  

Meeting new people                                                      https:
   This is my video link,,,,,

Lal   Bahadur

                                                                      Tel: 8130748611

Ashique Kumar is a young Classical/Semi classical Vocalist of Gwalior Gharana. He is a disciple of Pandit LaxmankrishnaRao Pandit (a renowned vocalist of Gwalior Gharana). Ashique Kumar started his musical journey at the age of 8 . He got his initial training from his uncle Shree Ajay Upadhyay. For further training he took the guidance of classical music from Shree Devchand  Pathak ji  who is a renowned table player of Bihar. Later he went to Shree Saroj Das ji  for learning the basics concept of RAAGA for 2 yrs. During that period he performed in many festivals of Bihar like 
In year 2007 he was very fortunate to get a chance to perform in the presence of our former president SMT. PRATIBHA DEVI SINGH PATIL in National Youth Festival, Bodhgaya, and BIHAR. He also won 2nd prize in that festival for singing.
After completion of Graduation from Patna Science College, Ashique Kumar came to Delhi for further study and Taleem of music. Here he started learning vocal music under Guru Shishya Parampara from Pandit Laxmankrishnarao Pandit ji of Gwalior Gharana. For that he also got fellowship from NCPA, MUMBAI.
Along with his training he also completed his M.A  from RAMJAS COLLEGE. He did his M.Phil. in music from Faculty of Music and Fine Arts, University Of Delhi.
He has performed in many festivals of National and International level like 
UDAIPUR TALES (Udaipur Literature Festival) -  As a vocalist in a Bhojpuri play GABARGHICHOR.
MAHAKAAL FESTIVAL (UJJAIN) – As a harmonium player (Accompanist).
JAIPUR LITERATURE FESTIVAL - Performed with Vidya Shah jii.
MALHAAR UTSAV (Delhi University) – Performed in a classical ensemble (different colours of Malhar).
BHARAT RANG MAHOTSAV – As a Vocalist in SANGGET SHAKUNTALA (A musical ensemble based on Kalidas’sAbhigyana Shakuntalam).
RANG SANGAM FESTIVAL, TIKAMGARH (Madhya Pradesh) a folk festival organised by Sangeet Natak Acacdemy Delhi and Madhya Pradesh Govt.
YOUTH FESTIVAL, DELHI – Performed in a classical ensemble conducted by Dr.Vineet Mohan Goswami( Delhi University) organised by SAHITYA KALA PARISHAD New Delhi.
SUR POORVA FESTIVAL (A festival of CHORAL MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLES, organised by Sangeet Natak Academy in RAJKOT) – Performed in a fusion ensemble conducted by Faculty of Music, Delhi University.
He has also composed and orchestrated music for many Plays with different Theatre Directors of India. Some of the plays were 
Banaras Ki Subah Se Awadh Ki Shaam Tak
Nugra Ka Tamasha
Kharu Ka Khara Kissa
Vidyapati Basant( Dance Drama)
Ram Ki Shakti Pooja
Sangeet Shakuntala

Ashique kumar has performed for SPIC MACAY with renound Kathak Guru Malti Shyam ji in the different cities of Uttar Pradesh in the year 2018.
He has performed for ‘NAMAMI GANGE PROGRAMME ‘initiated by Central Government in the different cities of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
On 8th Nov 2017 Ashique kumar has performed for VANDE MATARAM (Grand symohony) under the guidance of ANAND JII (a living legend and a great music composer of India) and TUSHAR BHATIA in Sawai Man Singh Stadium Jaipur.
.In year 2018 Ashique Kumar had his first International Tour (ICCR TOUR).He had performed with Rashmi Aggarwal jii (a great light classical artist of Delhi in XLVI INTERNATIONAL CERVANTINO FESTIVAL held in different cities Of MEXICO (NORTH AMERICA). INDIA was a guest of honour in that festival.
He has also performed in many programs in Doordarshan Patna and New Delhi.
In the year 2015 Ashique kumar has been awarded ‘YUVA PRATIBHA SAMMAN-2015’ for his contribution in Indian Classical Music by Mohan Upreti Lok Sanskriti Kala Abam Vigyan Shodh Samiti , NAINITAAL (UTTARAKHAND).
Ashique kumar received ‘KALASHREE SAMMAN 2019’ by ‘KALA MANDALI’ DELHI.
Presently he is pursuing his PhD from Faculty of Music and Fine Arts (University Of Delhi). His topic of research is ‘Gwalior Gharane Ki ASHTAANG GAYAKI Ka Vishleshnatmak Adhyayan’. For that research work he is getting SRF(SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP) from UGC.
Ashique kumar is also taking guidance of Harmonium along with his vocal music.
Ashique kumar is also Grade B artist in Hindustani Vocal of All India Radio.

Pravesh Kumar director
Father’s Name: Late Shri Trilok Chandra

Mother’s Name: Late Shrimati Anaro Devi

Doing Ramleela since 26 years and working as a director from last 13 years..

Celebrity Direction since last 6years...

Well known celebrities like Raza Murad, Bindu Dara Singh, Manoj Tiwari, Sofia Hayat, Ravi Kishan, Sudha Chandran, Asraani, Pankaj Dheer, Gagan Malik, Shahbaz Khaan,
Super villain MUKESH RISHI

I’ve directed approx 70well known celebrities...

Contact No.: 9811483805



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